The CTC coordinates all space usage that constitutes meetings or office use. There are two spaces available for reservations. The office room which can also be reserved for small meetings. And the studio room which can be reserved for large meetings.
The space is available to different types of organizations with different rates. Priority for space scheduling is determined proportionally for who is supporting the cost of the center’s rent. Simply put, as long as the Entrepreneurial organizations are supporting the center, they will have priority for the space. When the public is supporting the space, then the community organizations will get priority for the space, and if the entrepreneurial organizations need more space, they can get more. For more information on this visit the EBNAM website.
Community and Governance Organizations
Will have no charge for reserving space
By-Donation Organizations
Can reserve the space by-donation
Government Sponsored and Community Sales Organizations
Will negotiate rates on a per biases scenario, but will not be able to use the space for any less than $0.01/hour.
Entrepreneurial Organizations
Will be charged the following rates:
Large Room $21/hour
Small Room $13/hour
Office Use $5/hour
(This comes with unlimited internet access and use of long distance phone calls)
Private Meetings or use not open to the public is more expensive:
Large Room $36/hour
Small Room $20/hour
Office Use $9/hour (not willing to share with other groups)
Entrepreneurial Organizations also have the option to become active members with the WCTC to get discounted rates. Please see the EBNAM website for details.